Tax news
Banks 2004
Norm 11/2003 of the National Bank of Romania re individual and consolidated surveillance of funds
Official Gazette 17/9 January 2004
Norm 1/2004 of the National Bank of Romania re reference interest for January 2004 (21.25% per year)
Official Gazette 21/12 January 2004
Order 1250/2003 of the Ministry of Finance re procedure to be followed by banks (Romanian legal entities), to inform Romanian tax authorities about opening/closing of bank accounts by owners
Official Gazette 32/15 January 2004
Norm 12/2003 of the National Bank of Romania re surveillance of solvency and exposures of credit institutions
Official Gazette 51/21 January 2004
Government Ordinance 9/2004 re financial guarantee contracts
Official Gazette 78/30 January 2004
Government Ordinance 6/2004 of the Ministry of Finance and National Bank of Romania re cross-border transfers
Official Gazette 82/30 January 2004
Order 10/2004 re procedure in case of credit institutions bankruptcy
Official Gazette 84/30 January 2004
Instruction 2/2004 of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) re reference interest rate for ROL amounts valid for February 2004 (21.25% per year)
Official Gazette 111/5 February 2004
Ruling 1/2004 of NBR re Hard Currency Regulations
Official Gazette 117/10 February 2004
Norm of the NBR no. 2/2004 re reporting procedures for hard currency operations
Official Gazette 127/12 February 2004
Norm of the NBR no. 3/2004 re reporting procedures for "capital" hard currency operations
Official Gazette 127/12 February 2004
Norms 1/3/2004 of NBR and National Securities Commission re Norms for application of Law 190/1999 re mortgage loans for real estate
Official Gazette 141/17 February 2004
Order 281/2004 of the Ministry of Finance re pre-printed form 100 "Declaration of the liabilities to be paid to the general consolidated budget"
Official Gazette 158/23 February 2004
Order 2/263/2004 of the Ministry of Finance and NBR re accounting regulations for banks
Official Gazette 163/25 February 2004
Ruling 2/2004 of the NBR re use of IBAN codes in Romania
Official Gazette 165/25 February 2004
Order 3/2004 of the NBR re financial reports for Banks
Official Gazette 184/3 March 2004
Order 3106/2004 of the Insurance Surveillance Commission re limitation of risks for consumption and real estate loans
Official Gazette 185/3 March 2004
Instruction 4/2004 of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) re reference interest rate for ROL amounts valid for March 2004 (21.25% per year)
Official Gazette 199/5 March 2004
Norms 3/2004 of NBR, re amendment of Ruling 1/2000 regarding cash market operations, and incentives for loans and deposits
Official Gazette 202/8 March 2004
Rectification 2/2004 of the Official Gazette, re Norm 2/2004 of the NBR regarding statistic purposes reporting procedures for hard currency operations
Official Gazette 225/15 March 2004
Ruling 5/2004 of NBR, re abrogation of some provisions regarding cash operations (NBR Ruling 2/1996)
Official Gazette 250/22 March 2004
Instruction 6/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for April 2004 (21.25% per year)
Official Gazette 303/6 April 2004
Instruction 7/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re amendment of Ruling 1/2004 re hard currency operations
Official Gazette 313/8 April 2004
Law 116/ 2004, for approval of Government Ordinance 29/2004 re "financial measures" (electronic fiscal receipts machines, customs, excise tax, budgetary claims, VAT, banks)
Official Gazette 353/22 April 2004
Instruction 10/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for May 2004 (21.25% per year)
Official Gazette 418/11 May 2004
Law 178/2004, for amendment of Government Ordinance 39/1996 re "Bank deposits guarantees fund"
Official Gazette 489/1 June 2004
Instruction 11/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for June 2004 (21.25% per year)
Official Gazette 501/3 June 2004
Law 253/2004, re payments using financial instruments
Official Gazette 566/28 June 2004
Law 278/2004, for approval of Government Ordinance 10/2004 re reorganisation and bankruptcy for credit institutions
Official Gazette 579/30 June 2004
Law 312/2004, re National Bank of Romania Statute
Official Gazette 582/30 June 2004
Communicate/2004, of the "Guarantee of deposits in the banking system Fond"
Official Gazette 606/6 July 2004
Law 289/2004, re legal regime of the consumption loan agreements for individual consumers
Official Gazette 611/6 July 2004
Order 948/4/2004 of the Ministry of Finance and National Bank of Romania, for amendment of Harmonised accounting rules for "credit institutions" (CEE Directive 86/635 and IAS for credit institutions)
Official Gazette 620/8 July 2004
Instruction 14/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for July 2004 (20.75%/year)
Official Gazette 621/8 July 2004
Communicate/2004, of the "Guarantee of deposits in the banking system Fond", re the list of credit institutions whose clients would benefit of the guarantee for reimbursement of deposits opened with credit institutions
Official Gazette 653/20 July 2004
Law 348/2004, re denomination of the national currency. Starting July 1st 2005 denomination of the national currency lei would be:
10,000 current lei = 1 leu
Official Gazette 664/23 July 2004
Instruction 16/2004 of NBR, re charging of commissions for operations performed through the general account of the State Treasury
Official Gazette 690/30 July 2004
Instruction 17/2004 of NBR, re charging of commissions for hard currency operations
Official Gazette 690/30 July 2004
Order 1060/2004 of the Ministry of Finance, re approval of specific "special regime forms" for financial and accounting activity (include among other the account report for credit cards)
Official Gazette 703/4 August 2004
Instruction 18/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for August 2004 (20.29%/year)
Official Gazette 716/9 August 2004
Order 5/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, for amendment of the Joint order 999/3/2003 of the Minister of Finance and Governor of the National Bank of Romania approving the six month accounting reporting system for credit institutions
Official Gazette 723/11 August 2004
Instruction 19/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re amendment of the minimal compulsory reserve rate for hard currency amounts (30%)
Official Gazette 738/16 August 2004
Ruling 4/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re setting up of Banking Risk Authority The body is administrating (on behalf of NBR) for scope of the users, the banking risk information and information re card fraud (while preserving the banking secret).
Official Gazette 739/16 August 2004
Ruling 5/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re capital of "credit institutions" considered from individual and consolidated perspective (adecvarea capitalului institutiilor de credit) EEC Directive 93/6, EEC Directive 98/31, EEC Directive 98/33
Official Gazette 768/23 August 2004
Ruling 9/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, for amendment of Ruling 12/2003 re surveillance of solvability and large exposures for banks
Official Gazette 786/26 August 2004
Government Ordinance 85/2004 re protection of consumers when concluding and executing "contracts for services at distance"
Official Gazette 796/27 August 2004
Ruling 5/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, for amendment of Ruling 2/2004 re use of IBAN codes in Romania
Official Gazette 799/30 August 2004
Government Ordinance 94/2004 re financial measures. The Ordinance is enacting/amending, among other, legislation referring to: taking over of budgetary claims representing social contributions by the Ministry of Finance, provisions referring to postponement of tax payments, financial discipline (cash balance at the end of the day is established at 50,000,000 ROL), legislation referring to underdeveloped zones, Romanian Customs Code (including customs exempted goods), obligation of entities to use electronic cashing machines, amendment of State Aid legislation, legislation for setting up small and medium size enterprises, amendment of the Fiscal Code, services provided by tax consultants.
Official Gazette 803/31 August 2004
Order 1271/2004 of the Ministry of Finance, for approval of instructions re structure of IBAN codes for accounts representing budgetary income or expenses, and for accounts opened at State Treasury
Official Gazette 813/3 September 2004
Instruction 22/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for September 2004 (19,24% /year)
Official Gazette 829/8 September 2004
Order 1, Instruction 1, Ruling 1, Ruling 2, Ruling 3, and Ruling 4/2004 of the Guarantee of Bank Deposits Fund, re annual contributions, payment and declaration procedures, compensation payments, and information that should be available to clients in connection with Guarantee of Bank Deposits Fund
Official Gazette 844/15 September 2004
Instruction 24/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for October 2004 (18,75% /year)
Official Gazette 911/6 October 2004
Norm 10/2004 of the National Bank of Romania re authorisation of: banks, institutions (other then banks) which are issuing electronic money, saving houses for building homes, and Romanian branches of foreign credit institutions
Official Gazette 945/15 October 2004
Rectification 5/2004 of the Official Gazette, re Norms 5/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re capital of "credit institutions" considered from individual and consolidated perspective (adecvarea capitalului institutiilor de credit) EEC Directive 93/6, EEC Directive 98/31, EEC Directive 98/33
Official Gazette 1017/4 November 2004
Rectification 9/2004 of the Official Gazette re Norms 9/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, for amendment of Ruling 12/2003 re surveillance of solvability and large exposures for banks
Official Gazette 1017/4 November 2004
Instruction 25/2004 of the National Bank of Romania, re reference interest rate valid for November 2004 (18,75% /year)
Official Gazette 1020/4 November 2004
Law 443/2004, for amendment and completion of law 58/1998 re banks
Official Gazette 1035/9 November 2004
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